We've assembled a list of the most important things to bring with you when having your baby!
The most important items to pack to bring with you to the hospital
A pillow from home - You never know how comfy those hospital beds will or how long you will have to stay. Bringing a pillow form home will keep your comfortable after you have your baby.
Phone charger. We have a feeling you'll be taking loads of pictures of your little one and have lots of friends and family calling/texting to congratulate you. Having a dead phone battery would be a major bummer!
A cute name blanket for baby - The Grow With Me Baby Co blankets are a great addition to bring with you to the hospital. Not only can you keep your baby warm, but they also make a great background to take pictures of your baby and even announce the name.
Baby outfit - although the baby will be swaddled for most of your stay, you'll definitely not want to forget to bring a going home outfit for them!
Toiletries and outfits for yourself - make sure to bring something comfy for yourself to wear while you are there along with your toiletries (don't forget that toothbrush!) Comfy socks can also be a good idea.
Nursing bra's and nursing pillow - it will be so helpful to find a comfy nursing bra that you can bring with you to the hospital while you learn to breastfeed and the nursing pillow will be helpful to make sure your arms don't get tired and you can be comfortable while feeding your baby.
White noise machine - this is a personal preference. You can drown out the other noises in the hospital with this and keep baby soothed as well!
Milestone stuffy - although your baby won't need to start taking their monthly milestone pictures until 1 month old, I always find that it's a great idea to take the first one when they're born. It's so fun to compare their size each month to the day they were born. Stick it in the bassinet with them and it makes a great announcement picture too!
Carseat - don't forget to bring the carseat so you have something to bring baby home in. You will need to show that the baby is secure in it before you can go home too.